22 Marzo 2017


Best performance and ultimate precision are values that are of utmost importance in the world of professional football and in the art of watchmaking.

Best performance and ultimate precision are values that are of utmost importance in the world of professional football and in the art of watchmaking. The partnership between Carl F. Bucherer and the Swiss Football Association (SFA) is built on this strong foundation. As the Official Timekeeper for the Swiss National Football Teams, the watch manufacturer Carl F. Bucherer already released a special timepiece in 2016, the Patravi ScubaTec SFA Special Edition. The watch was accompanied the Swiss national football team to the European Championship in France. A symbolic feat that consolidated the collaboration.

The family business from Lucerne is now bringing the partnership to the next level with a product novelty: The Patravi ScubaTec SFA Special Edition that is dedicated to the Swiss women’s national football team. “In 2016, we already equipped the Swiss national football team out with a special edition. We’re pleased to now make a contribution to Swiss women’s football and at the same time honor the fantastic performance of the Swiss women’s football national team”, states Carl F. Bucherer’s CEO Sascha Moeri. “The technique and the strength of the players are reflected in our timepiece.” The watch is characterized by its accuracy and its longevity – Swiss excellence at its finest.

To mark the product launch, Carl F. Bucherer arranged an extraordinary press conference at the Baselworld. A sports talk took place in front of a select audience, performed by the Swiss national football players Lia Wälti, Meriame Terchoun, Ana Maria Crnogorcevic, Cinzia Zehnder as well as Martina Moser, their trainer Martina Voss-Tecklenburg, Laurent Prince, the CTO of the SFA and Sascha Moeri, CEO of the brand Carl F. Bucherer. The celebratory conclusion consisted of each team member being presented with a Patravi ScubaTec SFA Special Edition, a watch where the crown, the rotating bezel and the dial show touches in the Swiss national shade of red. The white dial is additionally adorned with the fine lines of the stylized club logo. A perfect combination of modern elegance and solid sportiness.

After their first-rate performance in the qualifiers and the victory at the renowned Cyprus Cup, the Swiss women’s national football team will compete at the Euro 2017 in the Netherlands. The Patravi ScubaTec SFA Special Edition will be along for the journey.

Carl F. Bucherer Patravi Scubatec SFA Special Edition

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