Oct 14, 2021


We are thrilled to announce the opening of our new flagship boutique in the Bucherer 1888 TimeMachine at 12 East 57th Street (between Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue) in New Yor...

We are thrilled to announce the opening of our new flagship boutique in the Bucherer 1888 TimeMachine at 12 East 57th Street (between Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue) in New York City. We have joined some of the world’s leading luxury brands in the newly-renovated 3,500 square foot building. Our new boutique, which shares a floor with Rolex, Patek Philippe and Cartier has an interior that reflects our classic aesthetic codes.

The boutique offers not only an incredible shopping experience but a place to relax – including a beautiful library, all in the heart of the city that never sleeps. To celebrate, we are releasing the Heritage BiCompax Annual Bucherer BLUE Edition, a proud part of the celebrated Bucherer BLUE Collection. And “blue” is the operative word: its striking dial features graduated shades of blue with blue subdials as well as chronograph minute and small seconds counters. The dial is ringed by a blue tachymeter scale.

The watch is just one reason to visit the new boutique. Stop by and we’ll show you hundreds more!


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